Stack-based initialization creates unbalanced trees
I used your code as a reference for an implementation in PHP and I found that if the number of inputs is not a power of two the tree can become very unbalanced. The worst case of 2^n + 1 inputs results in a tree with 2^n elements in the left subtree and 1 element in the right.
I’ve solved this issue by recursively building the subtrees as follows:
protected function build_recursive($start=NULL, $end=NULL) {
if( count($this->nodes) == 0 ) {
throw new \Exception('Empty Node list.');
} if( is_null($start) || is_null($end) ) {
$start = 0;
$end = count($this->nodes) - 1;
} if( $end - $start == 0 ) {
return $this->nodes[$start];
} else {
$mid = $start + (int)floor( ($end - $start) / 2 );
$left = $this->build_recursive($start, $mid);
$right = $this->build_recursive($mid+1, $end);
$node = new Node();
$node->value = $this->hash( $left->value . $right->value );
$node->left = $left;
$node->right = $right;
$left->parent = $node;
$right->parent = $node;
return $node;
For use cases such as yours, where there are always 2^n nodes in the tree, I think that your original approach is ideal. But for other use cases with variable inputs I think the above method is closer to the ideal approach for a balanced Merkle Tree.